Friday, May 6, 2011

Good News

At the beginning of the semester, I received an email that I thought was spam promising a very substantial fellowship (aka scholarship) for doctoral students. I looked a little closer and realized it was legit and that I had, in fact, been nominated to receive it. At the last minute, I tested the patience of my family and friends to read my statement of purpose and asked for some letters of recommendation. I was not entirely pleased with my submission and it slipped my mind.

This week, however, I received a kind email giving me a heads up that indeed I had been chosen for this fellowship. I was really surprised, not just from my (perceived) lackluster cover letter but because the fellowship was university-wide. Given that languages are not considered "core" content in the K-12 setting, I was amazed to earn such an award at a University (and to be fair, there were a few of these awards offered along with smaller awards). Wow, just wow. This award not only offers a decent dollar amount but also covers my tuition and our (excellent) health insurance. I'm blown away and grateful.

Austin and I have some logistical decisions to work through this weekend but what an excellent problem to have. We're also looking forward to some down time and talking to our moms; they are a big part of why we're where we are (thanks you three, you know who you are...).

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