After brunch, we found a barbershop since Austin desperately needed a trim. It was a true barbershop and was very old-school. They do shaves there too and you can get a big can of Lone Star Beer if you come later in the day. The dude who trimmed Austin had tattoos all over including barber themed ones. Nice to see a man dedicated to his work and he really was, he did a great job cleaning Austin up.
Next we decided to visit some wineries that were about a half an hour outside of town and had an errand to run near campus on the way out. It was move-in weekend so there were people and trucks and moving vans everywhere- totally crazy and we decided to skip a visit to the bookstore. As we were leaving the campus area, I heard the crunch of metal right behind me, saw a crash in the rear view mirror, and went into autopilot mode hoping I wouldn't be a victim of the domino effect. I pulled straight off the road and threw my phone to Austin who called 911. We saw an Audi fly up on the curb, crushing a small tree and garbage can. A few other vehicles apparently got tagged and pulled over. The emergency response was fast and they were really good about asking everyone if they were ok as well as containing the situation quickly. Austin and I had no damage to our vehicle in spite of the fact that a street sign had fallen down in front of it during the accident (Austin pulled it from the street as he was calling 911, giving a clear path to the firetruck since liquid was oozing from the crippled vehicle).

Shaken from the adrenaline, we got out of the way and happily found quieter roads out in the Hill Country. We saw buzzards and gazelle and a llama and then visited two wineries. The first had an Italian theme and was gorgeous, like a resort, and the second was more quaint but had an amazing view. We ended up with three bottles of Texas wine when all was said and done.

Now we're coming down from the busy day and getting ready for dinner at a BBQ place across the street. I am guessing (hoping) tomorrow will be a lot quieter...
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